
5 Ways Flooring Visualisers Can Boost Your B2C Lead Generation

As a flooring supplier or manufacturer, you know how difficult it is to generate quality leads online and reduce the number of time wasters. But did you know that implementing a flooring visualiser can not only help to increase the quality of your leads but also greatly improve the customer experience?  

Flooring visualisers allow potential customers to see the flooring in their own space through augmented reality technology, leading to higher levels of engagement and interest. Not only do flooring visualises help to increase valuable leads, but they also give value to both customers and your company.

Using a flooring visualiser, you put your customer n control, allowing them to seamlessly view your whole product catalogue and allowing you to streamline your business’s operations and sales processes. Using AR technology and the expertise of our in-house team, we created the REYDAR Virtual Samples Viewer (VSV). VSV allows your customers to visualise virtual flooring samples in their own space at the touch of a button through their smartphone camera.

Take advantage of the many benefits that flooring visualisers can offer both your business and your customers – keep reading to learn more about how flooring visualisers can help your lead generation to the next level.

How flooring visualisers increase lead generation for B2C businesses

So how can flooring visualisers increase lead generation for your B2C brand?

By allowing customers to view your whole catalogue in their own spaces, a flooring visualiser is the perfect tool to add to your website that drives engagement, adds value, and sets you apart from the competition.

Now let’s take a look at some of the top benefits that help to boost lead generation by using flooring visualisers:

1. Engage your customers with powerful visualisation

The true value of flooring visualisers comes from their ability to greatly enhance visualisation and ease of use for customers. This benefit alone should be enough to convince you that they would be a valuable asset to your marketing arsenal.

Let’s look at an example. If you’re looking to tile your bathroom floor, and two websites are put in front of you, one has static imagery as the visualisation and the other has a flooring visualiser that allows you to seamlessly view different styles in your bathroom. Which website are you more likely to engage with?

Flooring visualisers help to spark curiosity, more curiosity means more engagement and dwell times, and this leads to more qualified leads.

2. Boost buyer confidence

This one is a given. By providing a more engaging, visual, and complete experience, your flooring visualiser allows customers to understand your products much better than static imagery or video. When customers can actually see your product in their own space, they are far more likely to understand exactly what they need and can make decisions not only faster but more confidently.

Flooring visualisers actively encourage exploration, they allow users to seamlessly view hundreds (if they really want to) of unique flooring styles from your catalogue to make sure they get the right fit for them.

Differentiation is another key benefit, the better the experience you can offer to your customers, the more likely they are to trust your brand over competitors.

3. Keep your customers in the purchase journey

Here is a benefit that might not be so obvious at the surface level. But did you know that flooring visualisers can help to keep your customers in your purchase journey for longer?

Imagine a scenario where a customer visits your physical location to explore flooring options or collect samples. In this situation, you can strategically place QR codes on samples, catalogues, or other marketing materials. These QR codes will seamlessly connect your customers to your flooring visualiser, directing them straight to your website. As a result, customers can conveniently bring the samples home and continue their flooring journey online, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted experience.

A flooring sample with a QR code on it and an arrow pointing right to an AR experience.

This can be especially beneficial for businesses looking to attract new customers. By providing a unique and connected experience, your brand can appeal to broader audiences. This can also generate positive word of mouth, which can generate more valuable leads.

4. Increase your operating efficiency

Bet you didn’t expect to see that flooring visualiser technology could help to improve the efficiency of your business, did you?

When your customers can visualise your flooring catalogue at the touch of a button, it reduces the need for additional sale assistance as you are giving all the power to the customer.

Not only does this greatly enhance the purchase journey for your customers, but it also means that you free up time for your team to focus on other tasks.

5. Data, data, data…

Flooring visualiser offers unprecedented opportunities for collecting valuable data to enhance your customer engagement, refine your strategy, and drive lead generation efforts. By gaining insights into customer habits, shopping trends and behaviours, you can develop a deeper understanding of how to optimise the customer experience.

Unlocking this wealth of data allows you to make informed decisions that can foster long-term success.

You could use analytical data to:

  1. Provide personalised offers or products
  2. Inform future product developments
  3. Tailor marketing efforts and improve product experiences

All of the above allow you to gain a deeper understanding of how your customer is interacting with your products, which in turn will allow you to adapt and improve strategies to help to increase quality, valued leads.

REYDAR flooring visualiser is easily integrated into any website or platform, simply plug in and start collecting data.

An iMac and smartphone displays 3D and AR capability for virtual flooring samples.

Choose the right flooring visualiser for you

Flooring visualisers have proven to be a powerful tool for increasing lead generation in B2C businesses. By engaging customers with immersive visualisations, boosting buyer confidence, and keeping them in the purchase journey, flooring visualisers help drive valuable leads.

They contribute to increased operating efficiency and provide valuable data for personalised offers and improved customer experiences. Choose the right flooring visualiser for your brand and unlock the potential for enhanced lead generation and business growth.

If you’re interested in learning more about flooring visualisers, contact REYDAR today to see how we can help you generate more valued leads.


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