
7 Ways 3D Product Visuals Boost Buyer Confidence

Product images are the backbone of retail, eCommerce, and many B2B sales, playing a crucial role in converting visitors and browsers into buyers. However, as technology advances and consumers become more demanding, traditional 2D images are becoming stagnant, and mundane, leading to the rise of 3D product visualisation.

High-quality 3D product renderings are the future of product imagery, allowing customers to inspect items from all angles and perspectives. This level of visual detail builds trust and confidence in the buying decision process, which directly translates to improved conversions. And with 61% of consumers saying they prefer retailers that offer AR experiences, can you afford to be left in the 2D era?

3D product visuals allow consumers to gain a sense of tangibility, that static flat imagery simply cannot provide. As 3D  product visuals become the new standard, if you fail to adopt them, you risk losing customers and falling behind your competition.

Let’s get into 7 ways 3D product visuals can boost buyer confidence.

1. Interactivity

A key advantage of 3D product visuals is that they are interactive, allowing potential buyers to engage with digital models in a tactile way. Shoppers can rotate, zoom, and manipulate 3D products to inspect them from all angles without limitations. Check out one of our 3D viewers below, and explore the product in total freedom, with no restrictions:

This virtual interactivity reduces uncertainty by allowing customers to preview products like never before, it’s easier than ever to preview scale and confirm fine details like shape, textures, and fit. Interacting with these models offers a sense of control by replicating the tangible product experience, digitally.

2. Realism

We like to call 3D product visuals the “digital twins” of your physical products. This is because of the realism that 3D visuals offer. With photorealistic details, materials, lighting and perspectives, it’s hard to tell the difference between a physical product, and its digital twin. Allowing customers to view these 3D visuals grants them the opportunity to inspect them as if they were in front of them, boosting purchase confidence.

An over shoulder shot of a 3D artist modelling 3D headphones in software.

The more realistic the visualisation, the more confidence customers are going to have when it comes to purchasing decisions. This means that the higher the quality of your models, the higher the chance you have of customers clicking that all-important “Add to cart” button.

3. Context and augmented reality

Add more context to your 3D product visuals with augmented reality. Context provides understanding, and understanding builds confidence, AR allows your customers to view your products, in their space, you can’t offer more context than that, right?

Just imagine this, you’re in the market for a new sofa, and you are aware of the potential pain you face trying to get a sofa that not only fits but suits the style of your room. Well with 3D product visuals and AR, you can mitigate all of these risks. You come across a website that offers 3D and AR visualisation and at the touch of a button you can ping their range of sofas into your room, at real scale. How much easier did your purchase process just become?

Check out how we built the Argos AR-powered shopping app.

4. Customisation

Want to take your 3D product visualisations one step further? Well, you can with customisation and configuration. If you sell complex products that have variations then you might want to listen in. Offering levels of customisation to your 3D models that can be configured in real time increases purchase certainty.

You can give your customers the power and control over your products. Think about it, If you’re a retailer for kitchens, and your customers can fully customise a 3D version of countertops, cupboards, drawers, and the rest, and your competition offers only static images, who do you think they’ll trust more?

(The right answer is your brand by the way)

5. Demonstration

Showcasing your products in action provides levels of clarity for customers that static images simply cannot deliver. Advanced 3D modelling enables brands to create interactive product experiences right on their website, shop floor, or even through AR in their customer’s own space.

Shoppers can seamlessly view 3D models in action, rotating, zooming, and inspecting products from all angles, with no special website or no fancy apps required, accessibility has a higher ceiling than ever before. The easier it is for online shoppers to visually inspect and demo 3D models to confirm fit, function and features, the greater trust they will have in making a purchase.

A website that has a QR code to scan so the user can use augmented reality.

6. Consistency

We get it, you probably didn’t think that making your product visuals more consistent could boost purchase confidence. And hey, we don’t blame you, but it is true. 3D models have the unique ability to be used across all your visual assets, creating consistent and accurate product representation and saving you big time on photography and studio costs.

Customers will have certainty that the product they see marketed on social media or in an ad anywhere else will perfectly match the interactive 3D model on the eCommerce product page. Maintaining visual consistency eliminates doubt that discrepancies in product appearance could otherwise cause.

7. Accessibility

We briefly mentioned this earlier, but accessibility is a big part of the consumer purchase journey, so making sure that your customers can access your content (no matter where they are) is key. All of our 3D viewers are created using web-based augmented reality technology. This means that all REYDAR 3D viewers can be embedded into any webpage, using a single line of code, as long as your customers can access your website, they can access your 3D product visuals.

Although accessibility is not a legal requirement, it is an ethical obligation and smart business strategy. Brands that embrace inclusive digital experiences reap loyalty, trust and expanded reach with customers. It’s not just the right and best thing to do for your website, it is the most profitable.

A person using a smartphone to view a laptop in augmented reality.

Shaping the future of shopping

The future of online shopping is undeniably 3D. As technology continues to advance customers expect more interactive and immersive digital experiences. Static 2D imagery simply will not cut it anymore, and will not offer the level of confidence that 3D does.

Don’t let your brain get stuck in the past. Step into the future with a 3D product experience that builds trust and boosts conversions. Give shoppers the experiences they crave and the information that they need. Be at the forefront of the new era of digital commerce, contact REYDAR today to get started.


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