
3D Model Product Viewers: How Can Ecommerce Sites Benefit?

3D model product viewers for eCommerce are transforming online retail, and with more customers shopping online than ever before, now is the perfect time to innovate.

So, can 3D model viewers really make a difference in eCommerce customer experiences?

The short answer is yes, they can, and with very few eCommerce sites utilising 3D models and viewers despite their many benefits. Let’s explore 3D models for eCommerce in a little more detail

What are 3D models for eCommerce?

3D models for eCommerce, also known as 3D eCommerce or immersive eCommerce, are 3D-rendered products utilised for online product visualisation, augmented and virtual reality, and configuration to enhance engagement and boost sales. These 3D models aim to provide a superior online shopping experience compared to traditional 2D images, transforming the way customers interact with products online.

The use of 3D models in eCommerce offers numerous benefits, as they allow customers to interact with products in a more engaging and immersive manner. With greater freedom to explore and evaluate products than 2D images, 3D models for eCommerce help customers make more informed decisions, ultimately reducing the number of returns. Additionally, incorporating 3D models into eCommerce platforms can lead to increased conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, advancements in technology have made 3D models for eCommerce increasingly accessible, saving both time and costs for retailers and customers alike. Retailers can now easily create and integrate 3D models into their online eCommerce stores, providing a more dynamic and interactive shopping experience. As a result, customers can better visualise products in their intended environments, leading to more confident purchasing decisions.

The difference between 2D images, 360 images, and 3D eCommerce models

Recent innovations in 3D technology have made it possible to display 3D content seamlessly on any eCommerce webpage, much like the familiar 2D images we typically see on sites. Creating high-quality, photorealistic 3D models has never been easier, and it has become increasingly difficult to differentiate between traditional 2D photography and 3D-rendered products.

In contrast to 2D images, which have fixed camera angles and are often placed on plain white backgrounds, 3D eCommerce models in dedicated viewers elevate the shopping experience to a more immersive level. These 3D model viewers allow customers to interact with a 360-degree view of the product, enabling them to fully explore items and eliminate any guesswork before making a purchase.

It’s important not to confuse 3D eCommerce with 360-degree spin images, as their definitions are somewhat similar but distinct. While 360-degree images refer to single or multi-row spin photography that allows consumers to view a product from various angles, each angle remains a static image. On the other hand, 3D models offer a far more immersive eCommerce experience, as they provide unrestricted exploration of products.

Incorporating 3D models into eCommerce platforms benefits almost all brands, as it enables shoppers to gain a better understanding of how a product will look and feel in real life.

How does 3D eCommerce work?

Before getting started with 3D eCommerce, you first need to have 3D models created and ready to go. There are a few ways that 3D models can be created, here are some of the most common methods used:

  1. 3D Scanning: 3D scanning involves using a special camera or scanner to capture the physical object in 3D. The resulting scan is then processed and cleaned up using software to create a digital 3D model.
  2. 3D Modelling Software: This is probably the most time-consuming method, but often yields the best results. This involves creating a 3D model from scratch using software to draw and manipulate shapes to create a digital twin of a given product.
  3. Photogrammetry: This process involves taking multiple photos from unique angles of an object and then using software to create a 3D model from those photos.

Once your models are created, they are ready to be used in 3D viewers, augmented reality applications, and any other digital technology or space where 3D objects are a key component. Depending on the exact application may mean that optimisations need to be made, but these should only be minor. For using it within 3D eCommerce, it may need to be optimised by adding textures, colours, and other details that help to showcase the product.

With the REYDAR 3D Viewer, you can seamlessly integrate 3D model products anywhere on your eCommerce site with a simple embed code. The 3D product viewer example below, created by REYDAR, displays the freedom and depth that customers can explore, like never before. Rotate, zoom, and inspect, try it out.

Seamless 3D model integration into eCommerce platforms

The REYDAR 3D Viewer can be seamlessly integrated into all websites as well as being compatible with all major eCommerce platforms. Supported platforms include WordPress, Magento, Salesforce, Shopify and BigCommerce, it is as simple as embedding the code and you’re good to go!

A collection of some of the most popular website platform logos.

Do 3D model viewers actually enhance eCoommerce shoppers’ experience?

Going back to our earlier question, can 3D model product viewers really make a difference in customer experiences on eCommerce sites?

Well, from our own experience in the game, we’ve found the following stats to be true in practice:

  • 3D experiences deliver double the levels of engagement compared to their non-3D equivalent. Source: Reydar
  • 42% of people are willing to pay more for a product if they could see it in 3D/AR. Source: Reydar
  • 66% of people would be more interested in shopping on a website if it offered 3D/AR instead of images. Source: Reydar
  • 3D content can increase conversions by up to 27.96% on retailer websites – Source: Mobile Marketer
  • Online furniture and lifestyle retailer CB2 found that product pages featuring 3D and AR experiences drove 21% higher revenue per visit and a 13% lift in average order size – Source: Retail Customer Experience

The top benefits of eCommerce 3D models

3D models for eCommerce have become an increasingly popular tool thanks to their capabilities to enhance product offerings and improve customer experiences. From reduced return rates to increased engagement, here are the top benefits of 3D models for eCommerce:

Increased customer engagement

3D models for eCommerce significantly increase customer engagement by providing a more interactive and immersive shopping experience. By allowing customers to fully explore products from all angles and even visualise them in real-world environments, 3D models facilitate a deeper connection with the items. This enhanced interaction not only captures the customer’s interest but also instils greater confidence in their purchasing decisions.

Reduced returns

By enabling shoppers to thoroughly examine items from all angles and in various environments, 3D models help to eliminate any uncertainties prior to purchase. As a result, customers are more likely to be satisfied with their choices, leading to fewer returns and increased overall satisfaction. Moreover, the reduced return rates translate to cost savings for retailers and a more sustainable business model, further highlighting the benefits of incorporating 3D models in eCommerce platforms.

Browser native

Thanks to developments in web-based AR, there is no need for customers to download an app to view your product in 3D, it can be done from the normal product page. 3D model viewers being browser-native offers numerous advantages for both customers and retailers in the eCommerce landscape. By seamlessly integrating with web browsers, these viewers eliminate the need for additional plugins or software, providing a smooth and user-friendly experience. This ease of access encourages customers to engage more with the 3D models, leading to increased satisfaction and confidence in their purchasing decisions.


The cost-effectiveness of 3D models in eCommerce presents substantial benefits for retailers and customers alike. By providing a more accurate representation of products, 3D models reduce return rates, resulting in cost savings associated with processing returns and restocking items. Additionally, the increased customer satisfaction and engagement derived from 3D models can lead to higher conversion rates, boosting overall sales and revenue. As 3D technology continues to advance and become more accessible, the cost of creating and implementing 3D models is expected to decrease further, making it an increasingly attractive investment for businesses in the eCommerce sector.

Improved product customisation

3D models in eCommerce greatly enhance product customisation, offering a tailored shopping experience for customers. By facilitating real-time personalisation, 3D models boost customer satisfaction and confidence in their purchases. This level of customisation sets brands apart from competitors, driving customer loyalty and creating a streamlined, enjoyable shopping experience.

Enhanced brand image

Integrating 3D models in eCommerce platforms can significantly enhance a brand’s image by showcasing innovation and commitment to providing an immersive shopping experience. By adopting cutting-edge technology, brands position themselves as industry leaders, attracting tech-savvy customers and increasing overall appeal.

Increased customer confidence

Incorporating 3D models in eCommerce boosts customer confidence by offering a more accurate and interactive representation of products. This immersive experience allows customers to thoroughly examine items before purchasing, reducing uncertainties and increasing satisfaction. As a result, customers are more likely to trust the brand and feel confident in their purchasing decisions, leading to higher conversion rates and customer retention.

Is 3D eCommerce the future of online shopping?

Numerous factors indicate that 3D eCommerce is the future of online shopping, with the growth of eCommerce itself being a prime example. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated this growth, as more shoppers turned to online channels during restrictions and continued to do so even after they ended. As the market expands, the demand for unique products and service experiences also increases.

3D eCommerce caters to these shoppers by bringing online shopping a step closer to the physical experience, breaking down barriers and creating numerous opportunities. The rising popularity and accessibility of augmented and virtual reality contribute to the growth and use of 3D models in eCommerce. Most 3D eCommerce experiences allow users to view products in augmented reality, enabling customers to visualize items in their own space or even on themselves (e.g., clothing). This significantly boosts customer purchase confidence, and as more retailers recognize this, the demand for 3D eCommerce will grow.

Another reason 3D eCommerce is poised to thrive lies in the development of other technologies, such as the widespread adoption of 5G connections and increasingly powerful devices. Faster 5G connections enable more complex experiences to load quickly and provide a seamless experience. Meanwhile, more powerful devices allow users to access content-heavy, complex, and high-quality experiences with ease.

The adoption of 3D eCommerce has already begun, and as it becomes more widespread, expect to encounter an increasing number of 3D experiences while shopping online.

REYDAR work with HP to implement 3D model viewers with AR integration

Being a market leader in the computing and technology industry, HP needed to stay on top of its competitive market. To achieve this, they needed to provide a cutting-edge experience on reseller eCommerce sites.

HP wanted their shoppers’ to be able to not only browse reseller eCommerce sites for HP products but wanted customers to be able to both engage with and visualise their laptops within their own space as if the real product were in front of them.

From photography, REYDAR modelled all the products into realistic 3D digital twins which were easily embedded into the sites and came with a wealth of features.

As well as the ability to immerse in the 3D viewer, shoppers are also able to view HP laptops in their own environment, with REYDAR Augmented Reality viewer integration. This means that customers don’t have to imagine their new laptop on their desk, they could see it. Learn more about our work with HP and the 3D & AR viewer here.

The future of 3D models for eCommerce in spatial computing

It has been nearly impossible to avoid the news of Apple’s most recent announcement, well if you somehow did, they unveiled the Vision Pro – Apple’s entry into the augmented reality market. The headset was labelled as a”spatial computing device” capable of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality.

But you might be asking yourself, how does this relate to 3D models for eCommerce? Well, when we all have these fancy headsets on and we are using them to do literally everything we would normally use our phones and computers for, the demand for 3D product experiences is going to increase exponentially.

Imagine your using your AR headset to browse for new furniture, you haven’t measured an inch of your room, well now you don’t need to because you can ping the product into your own space in real-time. Sounds great, right? We know it does, this is what the future of spatial computing and eCommerce can offer, get spatial ready with REYDAR today.

A woman wearing a yellow cardigan sat on stairs wearing an Apple headset.

Build your 3D eCommerce viewer and models with REYDAR

3D model creation for eCommerce has never been simpler, all we need is your reference photos and CADs, and REYDAR can do the rest. You can even manage, optimise and configure your 3D model assets on the ReyBeam Product Network for secure access and storage. Contact us today to upgrade your eCommerce site and create engaging customer experiences.



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