
Spatial computing in eCommerce: A shopping revolution

In a whirlwind of innovation and progress, technology has catapulted us forward at astonishing speeds, altering our understanding of everyday life – and this is no different for the eCommerce industry.

As the demands and expectations of consumers have continuously swelled with the increase in popularity of online shopping eCommerce has been forced to do more to contribute to online experiences. We have seen the introduction of 3D, AR, and VR in eCommerce increase over the past decade, but it’s about to increase a lot more.

No company influences as Apple does, and since the Vision Pro headset was unveiled and changed the perception of what is possible with AR/VR/MR, so has the way we refer to it. “Spatial computing” is a phrase not often used before the announcement but is now seen dancing around media channels and discussions everywhere.

Spatial computing is going to totally transform the way that we shop online, and in this article, we’re here to embrace the excitement of spatial computing in eCommerce as we have reached a brand new milestone that is only going to increase consumer expectations.

What is spatial computing?

Imagine being able to break the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds and blend them together, seamlessly, unlocking a new dimension to experience. In essence, this is what defines spatial computing and makes it so incredibly unique.

Spatial computing is a concept and umbrella term that fuses VR, AR, MR, machine learning and other technologies to create an immersive environment where virtual elements coexist and interact with the real world and physical objects.

It breaks free from traditional screens, enabling us to see, hear, and touch virtual objects as if they were part of our reality, opening up endless possibilities for interactive experiences and totally transforming every day activities.

By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like advanced sensors, intelligent algorithms, and wearable devices, spatial computing opens up boundless possibilities. It enables us to step into virtual realms, navigate digital landscapes, and manipulate virtual objects with astonishing ease and precision.

A woman wearing the Microsoft Hololens 2 using her hand to control interactive elements.

Spatial computing in eCommerce

Spatial computing bridges the divide between physical and online shopping experiences. It creates a realm where boundaries blur and possibilities become limitless. Spatial computing takes the components of regular eCommerce shopping and totally transforms them into something that is just as intuitive and recognisable, yet vastly different to what we are all used to. Get ready for this new retail revolution that will redefine how we connect with products online.

Imagine being able to explore products in a virtual space, interact with them as if they were right in front of you, and try them on or see them in your own space. Picture seamless transitions from virtual storefronts to virtual fitting rooms, where you can try on clothes that magically conform to your body. A world where you can effortlessly customise and assemble personalised products, shaping and manipulating digital elements with intuitive gestures. This is what the ultimate spatial computing shopping experience will look like.

From Meta’s Quest Pro to Apple’s Vision Pro, these are just a few of the devices that look to bring the ultimate experience of spatial computing to consumers’ everyday lives. Whilst these devices are yet to show the true capabilities and power of spatial computing in eCommerce (or even be released in Apple’s case), we can take a look at some already existing spatial experiences that will help to build the ultimate experience:

3D & AR product viewers

A crucial element of spatial computing is the 3D elements that users interact with. 3D and AR viewers are a spatial technology that allows customers to easily explore, interact, and inspect 3D digital twins of products from every angle, and in their very own space.

In the era of spatial computing, 3D models are going to become increasingly important, especially as technology develops and becomes increasingly affordable and adopted. In the next 3 to 5 years, we assume that it will be pretty standard to have webAR 3D models instead of static 2D imagery for most products.

3D and AR viewers take a step beyond the confines of a screen and invite users to bring products to life in their very own space. Check out the REYDAR example below, explore the product in 3D and then ping it into your own space by simply tapping the AR button:

Virtual try-on

As the name suggests, virtual try-on experiences allow customers to virtually try-on clothing, accessories, cosmetics, and a myriad of other products when shopping online. Virtual try-ons in eCommerce aim to eliminate any potential doubts in consumers’ minds about style, sizing, and preference, therefore boosting purchase confidence.

This technology works by devices capturing data and using algorithms to analyse data in real-time to adapt the virtual items seamlessly to the user’s body shape and movement. The combination of accurate product representation, advanced tracking technology, and real-time rendering creates a captivating illusion, making customers feel as if they are truly wearing the items.

As the tidal wave of demand for more engaging eCommerce experiences gains traction, we expect to see virtual try-on become more sophisticated, accurate and utilised with the release of advanced spatial computing devices.

Virtual stores

Whilst the virtual stores of today are either explored on a browser or with a VR headset, we predict they’ll be slightly different for the era of spatial computing. Much like the other examples mentioned above, we imagine elements of virtual stores will be taken as building blocks for spatial experiences.

It’s incredibly likely that when advanced headsets/eyewear releases eCommerce shopping will be remarkably similar to shopping in a store, but it will just be in your own space or any space. Much like the virtual stores of today that are laid out with shelving, store assistants, interactive content, and products, we predict these elements will remain accessible, but they will fit the shape of your environment.

REYDAR is already perfectly positioned to accommodate developments in spatial computing technology. Our 3D models are already utilised in the virtual environments created, which can all be viewed in AR at the touch of a button. In the future, our idea is to essentially reverse engineer this, so when you are viewing a product in augmented reality, you can summon a virtual environment around you to increase immersion.

One of the exceptional features of spatial computing experiences is the blend of unique technologies, virtual stores will take advantage of this with fully immersive spaces (VR) and a blend of physical and virtual spaces (AR)

Get ready with REYDAR

Spatial computing in eCommerce is poised to redefine the way we connect with products online, blurring the boundaries between physical and virtual shopping experiences.

From advanced 3D and AR viewers that bring products to life in your own space to virtual try-on software that boosts purchase confidence, spatial computing holds the promise of a truly transformative shopping revolution.

Want to get ready for the era of spatial computing? Get in touch with REYDAR to discuss your project and one of our experts will be happy to help.


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